
ldap-filter: Filter out entries and attributes from an LDIF file

Rules File Format

The rules file is written in YAML, a flexible, human-readable data encoding. Each filter is a map. The "index" of a rule is the position of the rule within the file.

Common Attributes

The following fields are allowed in every filter:


A human-readable name to use in informational and error messages.


A longer description of what the rule does. So far this is not used for anything.


A boolean value that indicates whether the rule is enabled or not. This allows you to easily disable a filter rule by simply adding this attribute. When this attribute is not supplied, the rule is considered enabled.

target [required]

Indicates to what this rule applies. Must be one of the following:


The rule affects the entire entry. The entry as a whole is either accepted or dropped.


The rule affects only an attribute. Specified attributes will be accepted (see ACCEPT QUICK below) or dropped.


The action that will be triggered when the rule matches. Possible values are:


When target is ENTRY then the entry is dropped immediately. When target is ATTRIBUTE then the relevant attribute is removed from the entry (which is considered neither dropped nor accepted).

For example, the following rules will (1) delete any attributes called "dropme" or "deleteme", and (2) drop any entries that have "c=us", "c=ca", or "c=mx" in their DN.

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 rule: attr_exists
   - dropme
   - deleteme
 target: ENTRY
 action: DROP
 rule: dn_match
 segment: c
   - us
   - ca
   - mx

Place the entry in the acceptance chain. An entry in the acceptance chain can be dropped at any time if a subsequent rule triggers the DROP action. If the entry is never dropped after all rules have been processed, then it will be emitted.


Immediately accept the entry or attribute. This means that no further rules can affect the same target. As a result, the order of the rules in the file become very important; it's possible to do something like the following:

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 rule: attr_exists
   - keepme
   - ok
 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 rule: attr_exists
   - '*'

This example will remove all attributes except for "keepme" and "ok". If we had used an action of ACCEPT rather than ACCEPT QUICK then all attributes would have been removed, including "keepme" and "ok".


Indicates the rule logic to follow. There are several available, see Rules below for more information.


A rule is essentially a predicate that is used to test some condition of the current LDAP entry. If a rule succeeds, then the action is applied. If not, then nothing happens. Rules are predefined; the complete list is below.

All rules are applied (in the order they are found in the rules file) to each entry. If a rule succeeds, then the action is set. For any DROP action, the entry is immediately dropped and the process continues with the next entry. For any ACCEPT action, the entry enters the acceptance chain. If any subsequent rule triggers the DROP action for that entry, it is dropped; otherwise after all rules are processed, the entry is emitted. Any entry that never triggers either a DROP or an ACCEPT action (i.e. no rules match) is implicitly dropped.

Available Rules


Matches the full DN of the entry. The following additional fields are used:

values [required]

A list of the values to match on. These are literal strings that the entry's DN must precisely equal.


Matches the DN of the entry. The following additional fields are used:

segment [required]

Indicates the name of the DN component to use for the matching. For example, specifying ou means that the DN has to contain an organizational unit that matches one of the given values.

values [required]

A list of values to match on. These are literal strings, not regular expressions.


Checks the presence of an attribute. The following additional fields are used:


A list of object classes for which this rule is in effect. This is used to remove certain attributes from entries that belong to certain object classes.


When true, indicates that the matching should be inverted.

 target: ENTRY
 action: ACCEPT
 rule: attr_exists
 invert: true
   - foo
   - bar

The above will accept any entry which has neither "foo" nor "bar" in its attributes.

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 rule: attr_exists
 invert: true
   - abc
   - def

This will drop all attributes except "foo" and "bar" from the entry.


How the attributes listed in attributes should be matched against the actual attribute names in the LDAP data. When exact, precise string comparisons are used. When glob, Unix shell glob patterns are used. When regexp, Perl regular expressions are used. The default value is exact.

attributes [required]

A list of attribute names, each of which is removed if found.


Check the value of an attribute. The following additional fields are used:


A list of object classes for which this rule is in effect. This is used to remove certain attributes from entries that belong to certain object classes.


When true, indicates that the matching should be inverted.

 target: ENTRY
 action: ACCEPT
 rule: attribute_value
 invert: true
 attribute: lastName
   - Harrison
   - Lennon
   - McCartney
   - Starr

This will accept any entry that has an attribute called "lastName" which does not have a value that belongs to one of the Beatles.

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 rule: attribute_value
 invert: true
 attribute: someAttr
   - abcd
   - efgh

This will remove the "someAttr" attribute from any entry where it holds a value of either "abcd" or "efgh".


Indicates the scope of the action. For the sake of examples, let's assume the following entry:

 dn: cn=taylor,o=Metasyntax
 firstName: Taylor
 lastName: Venable
 pastResidence: Fort Wayne
 pastResidence: West Lafayette
 pastResidence: Chicago
 pastResidence: New York

The following values are accepted:


The action only affects the attribute with a value that matches. For example:

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 scope: matching
 attribute: pastResidence
   - Chicago
   - New York
   - Las Vegas

With the above rule, the example entry turns into the following:

 dn: cn=taylor,o=Metasyntax
 firstName: Taylor
 lastName: Venable
 pastResidence: Fort Wayne
 pastResidence: West Lafayette

Because the attribute had some of the specified values, those values were removed from that attribute in the entry.


The action affects all the values of that attribute. For example:

 target: ATTRIBUTE
 action: DROP
 scope: all
 attribute: pastResidence
   - Chicago
   - New York
   - Las Vegas

With the above rule, the example entry turns into the following:

 dn: cn=taylor,o=Metasyntax
 firstName: Taylor
 lastName: Venable

As you can see, because the attribute had one of the specified values, the attribute was completely removed from the entry.

The default value is matching.


How the attributes listed in attributes should be matched against the actual attribute names in the LDAP data. When exact, precise string comparisons are used. When glob, Unix shell glob patterns are used. When regexp, Perl regular expressions are used. The default value is exact.

Note that regexp is not yet implemented and will cause an error.

attribute [required]

The attribute to affect.

values [required]

A list of values, which when matched according to match_style, cause the action to execute.


The following format is used to log information:


Note that in log messages, the rule is a zero-based index indicating the position of the rule as defined within the filter file. This is done to conserve space in the log output. The rule name is used in error messages.